Friday, August 17, 2007

Okay, who stole my son??

I have this kid named Taylor.... a thoughtful, deep thinker, quiet, talented, observer of life...... did I mention quiet? He moves away up to Toronto to attend University.... to the big bad city from a small town.... will it gobble up my son and spit him out in little pieces? Or will it swallow him whole? Well, let me tell you .... it has done none of this...... instead this kid has turned into an outgoing, enthusiastic man of the city!! He has conquered it from one end of the city to the other, has blossomed and turned into the 22 year old (almost 23) he is today. Taylor is a very very VERY talented artist. He already has graduated and earned a diploma from Sheridan College and is now involved in another 3 year university program at OCAD to get another degree. Of course he is majoring in art/illustration/painting.
He has even mentioned becoming a teacher! My son?? The quiet thinker?? And you know what else this kid has become?? An accomplished musician/singer/writer! He performs with his friend Dani singing in Pubs! Taylor plays the guitar, banjo, harmonica, glockenspiel (yes, I said glockenspiel) all which he has basically taught himself. And sing.... this kid can sing!! I never heard him sing in his entire life till this year!! I love this kid... and I love the man he is turning into! I am very proud of him and all that he does! Of course he will always be my baby. And he knows it too! LOL Yes, my kids still continue to amaze me.


Melonie said...

Margo so sorry you are feeling down about Morgan but you can bask in the glory of knowing you raised two amazing, beautiful and talented kids. I am so happy that Taylor is finding himself and that they are both doing what they love. I just wish it could be a little easier on Mommy. Just remember, I want to be just like you when I grow up! LOL! You are an amazing Mom. (((HUGS)))))

Holly A said...

What a talented and vibrant family you have, Margo!