Monday, April 23, 2007


Okay, I'm not talking about the weather....... the weather is gorgeous now!!! But I'm talking about this friggin head cold that I have. I haven't had one all fall/winter long..... why do I get one now when it's so beautiful out?? My eyes are watery, my nose is stuffed up, coughing, my head hurts..... have I whined enough?? One good thing today, my forsythia came out in full bloom. I love the bright yellow shining out in the backyard.


Tara said...

I just got over one Margo and my oldest dd still has the silly cough! Hope it passes soon, HUGS!

Melonie said...

Oh Margo! Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather. Hope you are doing better soon. Lots of rest and Baxter kisses! That's the key.