Wednesday, September 5, 2007

1st Day of School....

Okay, all the Mommy's are blogging about back to school......... well, my baby had his 1st day of school today at a new school. Okay, okay....... it's university..... LOL And he's almost 23 years old........ but it still was his 1st day at a new school! Taylor has already graduated with a diploma from Sheridan College and now he is working on another diploma at a new school. Here's some info on it.......
"The Ontario College of Art & Design (OCAD) is Canada’s largest university for art and design, specializing in creativity and innovation. Established in 1876, the university has more depth and breadth in visual arts and design programs than any school of its kind in Canada. OCAD students enjoy a one-of-a-kind learning environment that combines an experiential, studio-based education with liberal studies, which is recognized with a BFA or BDes.
OCAD graduates are well known for their creative skills. Their work continues to enrich our country’s culture and add value to the economy and everyday lives of Canadians. OCAD’s research profile includes an institute for art and design education, the Beal Centre for Strategic Creativity at OCAD, an institute in design, creativity and innovation and large-scale projects in mobile content and technology."

So for all the Mommy's out there..... this Mommy envies you that you can hug and talk to your kids when they get off the bus or walk home from school today and everyday.... mine is 2 hours away from me and it's just not the same.


Melonie said...

((((MARGO))))) Thinking of you!

ellen s. said...

Hi Margo, i found you through Mel's blog...

looks like you have an amazing kid there! that schools looks soooo cool!

Unknown said...

Margo you must be SO incredibly proud of Taylor! I love that school! I would love to go through it some time. Hugs to you as your babes move forward!